Thursday, June 30, 2011

"Elegance is a physical quality. If a woman doesn’t have it naked, she’ll never have it clothed." -Karl Lagerfeld

Sorry for the lack of updates; I haven't found the time to be on Blogspot unfortunately. :(
Let me update you on my most recent purchases (excluding books). I bought a Milly dress that is a light beige and has the gold chains I associate with Milly around the waist. I also bought a Band of Outsiders button down, and a St. John jacket.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"The most important relationship you have in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens you will always be with yourself." -Diane von Furstenberg

So, I've finally decided what I'm going to wear to my grandmother's birthday party this weekend! It's not too formal, so I decided against wearing a dress.